A Customer For Life

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

A simple way to attract lifetime customers would be to give people a freebie. The freebie should be related torepparttar other products or services you sell. You may not be getting paid forrepparttar 140444 freebie, but you will get a lot more people using one of your products because it is free. If they are impressed by your free product there is a high chance they'll buy your other products inrepparttar 140445 future.

The last way is to sell your product atrepparttar 140446 price it costs you to produce or buy it. You will usually sell more products at a lower price than your competition which equals more potential lifetime customers. You will break even in cost but you'll make your profit fromrepparttar 140447 upsell and backend products your sell your lifetime customers.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang

10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

6. Testrepparttar "bill me later option" on your web site. Most people are honest and will pay you. It is a powerful little niche and could increase your sales.

7. Find a charity your target audience would likely support. Tell people on your ad copy that you will give a percentage ofrepparttar 140403 profits to that charity.

8. Hold a "buyrepparttar 140404 most wins contest" on your web site. Tell people each monthly winner will get their entire purchase refunded.

9. Attract visitors to your web site by offering them a free course. You could packagerepparttar 140405 course on a follow-up autoresponder and send lessons daily.

10. Interview people related to your industry and get their legal permission to convert it to an article. Promote your web site by submitting it to ezines.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang Affiliate Program

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